

    Years Work experience in Food Cart Business


    SHORYU started it's journey 2020 in Bangladesh. Our main ambition is to work for Bangladeshi poor and oppressed women and girls.
    We planned a street foodkart program for the women. We will provide all kind of eliments to open a food kart business and train them. And after start business, we will continuing our full support to grow their ability.

    Requirements for apply our food kart and food branch

    1) Insurance/at lest 3 guarantor 2) Details information about applicant 3) Which location Company will check the provided information and announce decision in 3 weeks if satisfied. 4) Selected lady must have take 2 weeks training with us about how to run the food kart or shop 5) After training completed and certified lady will get the permission to start food kart

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      Positive Rating

    How you can
    become a vendor

    If you interested to become one of our proud vendor and change your life. You will get our full support continually. To become our vendor you need to fulfil some of our requirements. Please read them and if feel positive then proceed to next step.

    become a vendor


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